File ControlLink.cpp
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#include <array>
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
#include "stm32f1xx_hal_dma.h"
#include "stm32f1xx_ll_usart.h"
#include "Bsp.hpp"
#include "Esp32Manager.hpp"
#include "coproc_codec.h"
#include "coproc_link_parser.h"
#include "rbcx.pb.h"
#include "utils/ByteFifo.hpp"
#include "utils/MessageBufferWrapper.hpp"
Public Static Attributes
Type | Name |
rb::CoprocCodec | codec |
DMA_HandleTypeDef | dmaRxHandle |
DMA_HandleTypeDef | dmaTxHandle |
ByteFifo< 512 > | rxFifo |
std::array< uint8_t, codec.MaxFrameSize > | txDmaBuf |
std::array< uint8_t, codec.MaxFrameSize > | txEncodeBuf |
MessageBufferWrapper< 512 > | txMessageBuf |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
void | controlLinkReset () |
bool | controlLinkRx (CoprocReq & incoming) |
void | controlLinkTx (const CoprocStat & outgoing) |
void | controlUartInit () |
Public Static Functions
Type | Name |
void | controlLinkUpdateRxFifo () |
rb::CoprocLinkParser< CoprocReq, &CoprocReq_msg > | parser (codec) |
Public Static Attributes Documentation
variable codec
rb::CoprocCodec codec;
variable dmaRxHandle
DMA_HandleTypeDef dmaRxHandle;
Implements control frame exchange. Frame byte layout: [0x00 LEN_BYTE COBS_DATA...] COBS is used to avoid having zero bytes present on UART except as packet beginnings.
variable dmaTxHandle
DMA_HandleTypeDef dmaTxHandle;
variable rxFifo
ByteFifo<512> rxFifo;
variable txDmaBuf
std::array<uint8_t, codec.MaxFrameSize> txDmaBuf;
variable txEncodeBuf
std::array<uint8_t, codec.MaxFrameSize> txEncodeBuf;
variable txMessageBuf
MessageBufferWrapper<512> txMessageBuf;
Public Functions Documentation
function controlLinkReset
void controlLinkReset ()
function controlLinkRx
bool controlLinkRx (
CoprocReq & incoming
function controlLinkTx
void controlLinkTx (
const CoprocStat & outgoing
function controlUartInit
void controlUartInit ()
Public Static Functions Documentation
function controlLinkUpdateRxFifo
static void controlLinkUpdateRxFifo ()
function parser
static rb::CoprocLinkParser< CoprocReq, &CoprocReq_msg > parser (
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file fw/rbcx-coprocessor/src/ControlLink.cpp