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Struct usbd_ctlreq

ClassList > usbd_ctlreq

Represents generic USB control request.

  • #include <usbd_core.h>

Public Attributes

Type Name
uint8_t bRequest
This field specifies the particular request.
uint8_t bmRequestType
This bitmapped field identifies the characteristics of the specific request.
uint8_t data
Data payload.
uint16_t wIndex
It is used to pass a parameter to the device, specific to the request.
uint16_t wLength
This field specifies the length of the data transferred during the second phase of the control transfer.
uint16_t wValue
It is used to pass a parameter to the device, specific to the request.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable bRequest

uint8_t usbd_ctlreq::bRequest;

variable bmRequestType

uint8_t usbd_ctlreq::bmRequestType;

variable data

uint8_t usbd_ctlreq::data[];

variable wIndex

uint16_t usbd_ctlreq::wIndex;

variable wLength

uint16_t usbd_ctlreq::wLength;

variable wValue

uint16_t usbd_ctlreq::wValue;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file fw/rbcx-coprocessor/lib/libusb_stm32/include/usbd_core.h